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Sagging Skin

You may have noticed it in your face, arms, belly, legs, or anywhere on your body. It’s sagging skin Treatment in Greenville, SC that doesn’t conform to your figure. One of the characteristics of youth is skin that is nice and tight. Younger skin snaps back into place after you stretch it by exercising your muscles. But as you age, you may start to notice skin sagging here and there. This can make you appear older and more worn down. Why does it happen and what can you do about it?

What Is Sagging Skin?

Sagging skin or loose skin refers to those flaps of skin anywhere on your body that just don’t belong. It can occur when you lose a lot of weight in a very short time or just as a consequence of aging. It is a sign that your skin is less resilient than it used to be and getting that skin tighter may require outside assistance.

What Causes Sagging Skin?

As we get older, our skin loses collagen and elastin. These are the substances that give skin its suppleness and elasticity, keeping it hydrated and taut against the body. When collagen and elastin production decrease, the skin’s ability to snap back after being stretched diminishes.

How Can Alma Rose Help?

In the past, the only way to deal with sagging skin was some kind of surgical intervention like a face lift. That is no longer the case. We now have many non-invasive, non-painful ways to tighten and firm the skin without downtime. Possible solutions we can offer include Ultherapy, which uses ultrasound to stimulate and tighten the skin, RF microneedling, which stimulates healing and collagen production with the help of radiofrequency heat, and EMTONE, which combines pressure and radiofrequency heat therapy to boost collagen and tighten skin. When you come into our center for a consultation, you will receive a full skin analysis workup that will guide us toward the best way to reduce your sagging skin problem.


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Visit Alma Rose for Help With Sagging Skin in Greenville, SC

At Alma Rose, we know skin, and we know how to help you look your best. It starts with your comprehensive skin analysis consultation with our premier aesthetician and certified medical practitioner and ends with you loving your new skin! To get started, call us at 864-565-7673 or submit the Request Appointment form below.

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